
What We Offer

Technical Communication as a field includes much more than it has in the past. Technical writers are more versatile. I provide the kind of quality documentation that is designed to increase the value of your product.

  • Basic writing: Basic writing covers everything from a User's Manual to a product data sheet.
  • Embedded help: Today, online help can be anything from context-sensitive, "field-level" help to a complete reference guide including a tutorial.
  • Training and course materials: From simple PowerPoint presentations to more advanced workshops, labs, and self-paced instruction guides, I can develop coursework. I do not provide actual training, however - that's up to you.
  • Short "how to" videos: In the modern era, videos are a critical part of your documentation. I can create simple, straightforward videos that show your customers how to perform tasks using your GUI
  • Templates: Templates help standardize your documentation suite. Working with your Marketing and Sales departments, templates ensure that your documents match your corporate branding and present the right message. I can create templates for you in FrameMaker, DITA, Microsoft Word, InDesign, and more. Using a standardized template ensures that no matter how many writers you have, the look and feel of all your documents is the same - across the entire range of your product line.
  • Setup: I can help you set up an entire documentation department and provide style guides and design standards.
  • Editing: I can add that final professional touch to your own documentation, bringing my years of experience and study.

I constantly refine my knowledge of users and usability, so that I can increase the effectiveness and readability of your documentation. Your users will see the difference.